Monday, December 15, 2014

Picture of Shapes

This is one of my lesser ones. as you can see there are mistakes from adding the final touches to this work of art. The goal was the create a work of art using small shapes to form a larger picture. at first it was done with paints, but it was to be inked and cleaned to give it a more solid description.

One Point Perspective

I am a gamer. this one point perspective depicts a scene from a game called Minecraft. the goal was to put 5 objects and make them appear 3-dimesonal using one point of reference(the sun in this case).

I saw, I draw part 2

this is a piece inspired from my last work. my goal was to add all the objects that were included in the first version and put them in a creative manner. The items were crafted with paint strips and placed in positions that made the most sense. The background was colored using makers. the picture has two meanings. The First, was to show a man standing in a giants home such as the story jack and the beanstalk. The second, is to show how we can let our possessions overcome us.

I saw, I draw

This is a work of art of my own creation. I gathered materials from random locations and put them in this placement. This shows my view of the structure.

My "Golconda"

This piece of art is inspired by the Golconda which was made by Rene Magritte. the original work was made using oils, but I merely painted this version. I do not claim this work as my own idea. All Rights Reserved by it's respective owners.

Self Portrait

 This is a self portrait I created by shading. I took a picture of myself and print it out on a small piece of paper in black in white. I applied a grid to the picture and scaled it to fit into a larger piece of paper.